Dr. Hanwant B. Singh *Haagen-Smit Prize

Atmospheric Environment: Haagen-Smit Prize

NOTE: Starting in 2004, the name of the Haagen-Smit Award has been
changed to the Haagen-Smit Prize.

The "Haagen-Smit Award/Prize", first launched in year 2001, is designed to recognize outstanding papers published in Atmospheric Environment. The prize has been named in honor of Prof. Arie Jan Haagen-Smit, a pioneer in the field of air pollution and one of the first editors of the International Journal of Air Pollution, a predecessor to Atmospheric Environment. The goal of this prize is to showcase the excellent science that has been published in this distinguished journal and to further attract outstanding future research.

The "Haagen-Smit Prize" is given annually to a maximum of two paperspreviously published in Atmospheric Environment and covering different science areas. Final selection is made by an international committee of 7-10 people familiar with the subject area. Membership of this committee changes on a rotating basis but every effort is made to cover the wide scope of papers published in Atmospheric Environment.

Haagen-Smit Prize selection committee for Years 2017-2020

Professor Roy M. Harrison (UK, Chair)
Division of Environmental Health & Risk Management
School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT
Tele:  +44 121 414 3494
Fax:  +44 121 414 3709
Email:  r.m.harrison@bham.ac.uk

Prof. Shiro Hatakeyama (hatashir@cc.tuat.ac.jp) (Japan)
Prof. B. Langmann (baerbel.langmann@zmaw.de) (Germany)
Prof. L. Knibbs (l.knibbs@uq.edu.au) (Australia)
Prof. K. Krishnamoorthy (krishnamoorthyspl@gmail.com) (India)
Prof. George Thurston (gdt1@nyu.edu) (USA)
Prof. John Seinfeld (Seinfeld@caltech.edu) (USA)
Prof. Xiaohong Yao (xhyao@ouc.edu.cn) (China)
Prof. Anthony Wexler (aswexler@ucdavis.edu) (USA)

To be considered for the "Haagen-Smit Prize," a paper must be nominated by someone knowledgeable in the subject area. Self nominations are not acceptable. The nomination should be submitted to the chair of the selection committee (Prof. Anthony Wexler,aswexler@ucdavis.edu) before August 1 every calendar year, preferably by electronic mail. The entire scope of Atmospheric Environment with papers from local to global scales dealing with both science and policy issues are open to consideration. No limit is set on the publication date. Nominators should fully support the reasons for their selection in a compact memo of less than two pages. The committee is looking for papers that have had a significant impact in their field.

The "Haagen-Smit Prize" honors its recipients in multiple ways. It confers on its winners (all authors) a certificate from Elsevier. A picture of the authors along with a summary of the nominating letter is published in Atmospheric Environment. Elsevier presents winners a cash prize of $1000.


Click on image for information on 
awards from past years